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Interview with Marina Nevrt – General Manager Orbico BiH for In-Store magazine

ORBICO –leading distributor in Europe and the most desirable employer in Bosnia & Herzegovina in the sector of distribution 19 countries, over 4,400 employees and an annual turnover of more than 1 billion EUR

“Our strategic partners at the group level are powerful multinational companies which are global market leaders in their respective categories: Procter&Gamble, Phillip Morris, Kellogg’s, SC Johnson, Nestle, dr.Oetker, Shell, General Electric, Mattel, Bolton and many others. "- said Marina Nevrt, adding "The larger expansion of the portfolio of partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina happened in the last four years, since we took over distribution of the brands: Dr. Oetker, Shell, Kellogg's cereals, Milford, Schneekoppe, Agrokomerc brand Tops, Čunga Lunga, Wella Professionals in channel of professional hair salons, so that today we cooperate with over 45 partners and operate with more than 100 brands. "

The entire interview can be read at the following link.

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